Thursday, July 30, 2009

I should have stayed in bed today...

So, my day started with taking a huge medications exam which the professor himself admitted was ridiculously hard and said "It'll be interesting to see how you guys do." Great. Thanks.

So then I go to lab where I have to palpate this girl's heart rate and get her to certain HR/workloads on different exercise machines. I get in there and the first machine I have to do is a bike and I need to get her to 131 bpm. Before I do anything I take her resting HR and standing there doing nothing she's at 142 bpm. Awesome.

So next my lab partner and I go to the computer lab where were work for over two hours on our case study and make this dynamite power point. Right as we're about to save the finished product the computers in the lab freeze. One of the other people call the techs to come fix the problem and about five minutes later this girl waltzes in, glances at the computer and then pulls the master plug for all the computers (uh...I COULD HAVE DONE THAT!). I had saved once to the hard drive planning to e-mail it to myself. Everything is gone. Not a trace of our work. We're both just staring at the computer willing something to pop up on the screen and then the tech saunters over. "Is it working now?" Me- "Yes but everything is gone." Her- flippantly "Well it says right there don't save on the hard drive."

You know the movie "Monster-in-Law" when she lunges at her mother-in-law and chokes her but its just in her head. That is exactly what was going through my head. God must have been with me because I have never wanted to lunge at someone so bad in my life and I have no idea how I stayed in my chair.

So after a grand total of 7 hours in the health professions building, eating only a pop tart and a handful of cheez-its, and after a good five minutes of just staring at each other in disbelief my lab partner and I re-did our power point...

1 comment:

  1. Whoa! Now THAT is a bad day. I certainly would have lost my testimony in short order.
