Thursday, July 30, 2009

I should have stayed in bed today...

So, my day started with taking a huge medications exam which the professor himself admitted was ridiculously hard and said "It'll be interesting to see how you guys do." Great. Thanks.

So then I go to lab where I have to palpate this girl's heart rate and get her to certain HR/workloads on different exercise machines. I get in there and the first machine I have to do is a bike and I need to get her to 131 bpm. Before I do anything I take her resting HR and standing there doing nothing she's at 142 bpm. Awesome.

So next my lab partner and I go to the computer lab where were work for over two hours on our case study and make this dynamite power point. Right as we're about to save the finished product the computers in the lab freeze. One of the other people call the techs to come fix the problem and about five minutes later this girl waltzes in, glances at the computer and then pulls the master plug for all the computers (uh...I COULD HAVE DONE THAT!). I had saved once to the hard drive planning to e-mail it to myself. Everything is gone. Not a trace of our work. We're both just staring at the computer willing something to pop up on the screen and then the tech saunters over. "Is it working now?" Me- "Yes but everything is gone." Her- flippantly "Well it says right there don't save on the hard drive."

You know the movie "Monster-in-Law" when she lunges at her mother-in-law and chokes her but its just in her head. That is exactly what was going through my head. God must have been with me because I have never wanted to lunge at someone so bad in my life and I have no idea how I stayed in my chair.

So after a grand total of 7 hours in the health professions building, eating only a pop tart and a handful of cheez-its, and after a good five minutes of just staring at each other in disbelief my lab partner and I re-did our power point...

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Sorry Ben...

I realized today as I was grocery shopping that my fiance is doomed and may eventually appear on one of those feed the children ads once we get married- I get to the checkout counter at the grocery store today and here's the jist of my cart: bread, bananas, cheese, milk, a lunchable, pizza rolls and salad. Enough said.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Spoiled for life

Everyone has met kids that clearly have not ever heard the word "no". They are the "little princesses" that get everything they want. You meet those same bratty kids later in high school, who have clearly never worked a day in their life and have everything they ask for. I use to think that all bratty kids eventually grew up into normal adults. I no longer think that.

I'm a CNA and I absolutely love my job, most of the time. We'll go 90-10 on the love. 9 of that 10% of hating my job is due to a few select personality types (to put it nicely). I am well aware that these people are not able to do everything for themselves and I am more than happy to help, when it is a legit need. See its those bratty spoiled kids, that are still bratty when they're 80 and in the nursing home. They can't understand that I am taking care of multiple people and they get mad when I'm not at their beckon call to fetch them a snack or fluff their pillows. I have one person that needs to use the bathroom, another person who is a fall risk climbing out of bed without me there, call lights going off, alarms beeping at me, and a running to-do list in my head of who needs to use the bathroom, who needs to be put to bed, who is diabetic and needs a snack, etc. and there I stand, listening quietly as I am being yelled at for not having their snack to them after I have just spent way to much time fluffing their pillows and making sure everything is exactly to their specifications and they are comfortable. And all the while I'm holding my tongue when I'm asked to move the pillow a quarter inch to the right and then back two centimeters. Then when they have finally relesed me I walk into the next room and nearly burst into tears when I see the elderly gentleman who has fallen asleep in his wheelchair while waiting for me to help him get into bed. No call light on, not upset when I wake him up to let him know I'm there and apologize for the delay. Just smiles and says "I'm ready when you are."

I think all people should be required to work in a school and patient care prior to having children. They'll think twice about how they parent.

Now, after my little rant, I have to add that I really do love my job. I tolerate the 9% that make me want to slam my badge on the nurse's desk, rip my certification in half and burn all my scrubs, but it's the other 90% that are the reason I do what I do. The sweet little old lady that looks at me with tears in her eyes and says the most heartfelt thank you I have ever heard, all because I helped her get ready for bed and tucked her in. Or the little old man whose face lights up because I brought him some ice cream. Or another lady who daily tells me she doesn't know how much I get paid but that its not enough, and how thankful she is that I'm there. Or when I see them slowly making their way down the hall in their wheelchair and come up and ask if they want a push, knowing they never would have asked but that secretly their arms are exhausted. Or when the sweetest lady's face lights up because I saw a pair of cute slippers in the bin and grabbed them for her. Or when one of them is crabby and by the time I have them in bed they are laughing. It's those smiling faces that warm my heart and bring tears to my eyes. Yeah, there are those people that make my blood pressure sky-rocket, and yeah my nose no longer registers stink until its off the charts bad, and yes when someone pukes I am now the one running in instead of the one the one bee-lining for the exit, but I have an endless number of those sweet moments and smiling faces, and its those moments that tune out all the bad, and are the reason I'm a CNA.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Turn Lanes

Turn lanes were invented for a reason. Period. First off, let's just take a little journey back to Driver's Ed: A turn lane is a lane meant for turning. OK, that being said, let's elaborate. Turn lanes are there so that the rest of traffic doesn't come to a screeching halt everytime someone wants to turn. The process is meant to work flawlessly, except for those oh so wonderful drivers who feel it necessary to come to a complete stop to turn INTO the TURN LANE, and THEN make their turn!!!!! I really don't think this can be termed "road rage" when the person deserves to be rear-ended. Seriously, whats next? A "Turning into the turn lane" lane?? Turn lanes aren't there because the road construction crew got bored and wanted to add color to the road.

While we're on the subject, let's hit speed limits. They're they for a reason too. You look at the number on the sign, and the look at your speedometer, and when they match you're good. Going 30 in a 45 or worse 55 in a 70 is just...I have no words....

See I live in a college town, so driving is pretty much a free-for-all. You have the invinceable college kids, the permanent residents who want to teach the invicible college kids a lesson, the people who should read my above note about turn lanes and speed limits, and the driver's ed kids who are just plain hilarious. (Someday I'm going to follow a driver's ed car with a video camera. It will probably be the best video ever!) Needless to say, I'm either going to have to hire a chaufer or go on high blood pressure meds...

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

People often tell me I'm random. I'll be telling someone a story and they're like "where did that come from?" The name for this blog was inspired by one of my favorite shows of all times: FRIENDS. In "The One Where Eddie Won't Go" Chandler says "This isn't out of the blue! This is smack dab in the middle of the blue!" That is one of my favorite lines from the show, so I decided to name my blog after it since people often think my stories are out of the blue. In my mind there is always a connection, although I am NOT crazy like Eddie! (watch the episode) To top it all off, when I told my fiance the name for my blog he said "where did that come from??" so I think it is quite fitting.

I was going to link to the episode, but as I was looking for it I came across this. Sadly, I knew almost all of them...